COVID-19 and Access Training Academy
Response to COVID-19
Access Training Academy take the health and wellbeing of all of our students, clients, our own team members and the families of all very seriously. Health and safety are our top priorities and as a result, we have taken a number of proactive steps in light of the Coronavirus (COVID-19).
Our team will follow hygiene protocol and we will follow advice from the Commonwealth and the World Health Organisation regarding travel, hygiene practices and risk minimisation.
ATA team members follow all advice provided by the Department of Health, including:
Hygiene practice as below
Travel Advice
Risk minimisation
If a risk of contact with an infected person, or if symptoms are detected*, the ATA team will:
Visit a GP for testing
Practice self-isolation
*NO ATA team members have been diagnosed with COVID-19; knowingly been in close contact with someone diagnosed with COVID-19.<br>
Mental health support and resources from Headspace will be available for students, staff and clients on campus. We are here for you.
'Return to Training' Plan
Based on our own risk assessment of the situation, this is how we do training throughout COVID-19: Where remote learning is not able to be provided, ATA continue to deliver face-to-face learning safely and responsibly. Hygiene standards will remain our main priority for students and staff.
Will courses remain Face to Face?
All courses are expected to move in some way to blended delivery, which means that there will be a mix of online, interactive distant learning, and for some courses necessary face-to-face components. Term 2 includes learning via:
Online and interactive technologies
Face-to-face delivery where necessary, and where adequate social distancing measures can be implemented.
Alternate days and times of small classes of maximum 4 students ensuring there is ample space in the classroom between people, ensuring desks/work stations are adequately separated (4 square metres).
This blended delivery allows training to continue, in line with the latest COVID-19 health advice around social distancing measures, ensuring the safety of students and staff.
If the courses are of a practical nature, can I still deliver the courses?
Innovative solutions used to practice skills; training hands for nail training, practice, dummy face for lash training practice, make-up skills practiced on self.
As for practical assessments, ATA is working with students to identify solutions for their specific circumstances and assist them to complete their assessments and training without extra cost.
How is ATA managing knowledge and practical assessments of Nationally Accredited Training courses?
We have brought forward theoretical training across single/multiple units to continue learning
We adjusted the training and assessment strategy to continue to deliver units of competency that do not contain workplace hours
We are providing simulated workplace environments to allow for practicing of skills
With training and assessment—where students are in different locations, we make use of technologies such as video recording and Skype
Where the training package allows, we make use of simulated workplace assessment.
Nationally Recognised Training delivered under a third party arrangement by Access Training Academy, on behalf of: All States Training RTO #32577 All States Training RTO #32577 is the registered training organisation that issues certification upon successful completion of the accredited courses
The following strict safety protocols are in place currently:
Increased cleaning, particularly of classrooms, toilets, common areas, door handles and equipment. Following the guidelines provided by Safe Work Australia:
Any student who is unwell, or who is required to self-isolate, must not attend class and must be sent home.
The ATA Training team members continue to follow the hygiene practice advice provided by the Department of Health and the World Health Organisation, including:
Frequent hand washing
Following respiratory hygiene such as covering the mouth when coughing or sneezing with an elbow or tissue
Maintaining social distancing from anyone coughing or sneezing
Avoiding touching the eyes, nose and mouth
Strict protocols are in place for when we reopen our premises
Our Training Clinic
We will continue to practice extremely high standards of cleanliness and strict infection control practices.
Additional time in between clients to disinfect and clean every surface, LED lamps, iPads, benches, reception, computers, EFT machines, doors etc.
As a skin beauty clinic, not salon, each appointment is treated with strict hygiene practices, and disposable items.
Each client will be asked to use hand sanitiser upon entry, temperatures can be taken with our thermal heat reader.
Appointments will be limited and spaced, so there will be a reduced number of clients, students and staff allowed in the training clinic.
Sneeze screens will be installed at manicure stations and reception desk
ATA have purchased additional sterilisation equipment and metal tools used for treatments, this means there will be newly sterilised tools used on each client.
Staff have undergone necessary Coronavirus training
All staff members will be required to wear surgical masks and gloves for all treatments at all times.
Staff will make sure that students and clients practise social distancing
Staff will control bookings and treatments, allowing for fair rotation of practical time for each student while practicing sanitation and social distancing.
Mental health support and resources from Headspace will be available for students, staff and clients on campus.
Students will undergo Coronavirus training from the Australian Health Department on their first day back.
Student therapists and clients will also be issued the necessary PPE
Students will be given regular breaks and, weather permitting, students will be encouraged to enjoy the fresh air ocean views.
Mental health support and resources from Headspace will be available for students, staff and clients on campus.
*Updated in line with current information available from the WA Government in relation to Personal services.